Personal training takes place in Barnsley and the surrounding areas.  I can travel to you, or you can come to me.


All workouts are put together to meet the needs of the individual and the method that is most likely to get best results for the person doing personal training.


Below are a few examples of results seen by people who tried the personal training.

Changes 4 weeks apart

15 pounds in weight lost and 31cm lost from customer age 42 from personal training, this was achieved in 4 weeks.

4 stones lost in 5 months

Changes for 35 year old mum of 3 from one session per week of personal training.

Gain a lean toned all over bodyshape

This customer trained for 45 minutes per week, a lone parent who works full time and is up everyday at 6am, we train 7:45pm in the evening when the children are in bed.


(work and child commitments are a common barrier for my customer base, hence they train once per week).


The personal training I offer is not aimed at whose who want to be the best at exercising, or hold the plank for the longest time or do the most situps in a minute, it is aimed at those who want the best end result (ie, being lean and toned) with one personal training session per week.

Changes in 4 weeks

11 pounds in weight and 35cm lost overall for 34 year old mum of 2 from personal training, this customer completes her sessions in 35 minutes, these are fast sessions.

Huge reductions from personal training

Changes in a matter of weeks for 36 year old mum of 3, this customer completed 1 personal training session per week.

Changes in 5 weeks from personal training

9 stone 13 down to 9 stone 3 and 44cm reduced after 5 weeks of personal training.  Quick personal training sessions as customer is lone parent with busy work patterns.
Session completed in around 35 minutes.

Tummy toning for customer age 58

Lower tummy reduced for customer from personal training, if you are over the age of 40 or 50 you need to be doing something that works for other people like you.

Results for the over 50s and over 60s

Changes seen in 6 weeks for Jane age 61, if you are over the age of 50 then it is unwise to be doing methods that work for 20 somethings, best to do methods that work for other people like you.

Results for people in their 20s too

People in their 20s see very quick results from personal training (as you would expect) one of the photos shows 24 year old mum of 2 (wearing all blue) changes she saw in 2 weeks.


The other photo (black trousers and blue trousers) shows customer age 21 and changes she saw 7 days apart from personal training.


How many times per week are people training?

The customers are training once per week, training time being somewhere between 30 and 50 minutes per session, it depends how quickly the customer needs the session completed.


If it is a busy person, they tend to train faster.



Can people complete more than one session per week?

Customers are welcome to complete more than one personal training session per week, it largely depends how much money they wish to pay for personal training.

(more sessions per week = more cost to the customer)


Customers tend to prefer to spend money on other things, their children for example so for my customer base one personal training session per week is best for them as it reduces costs.


Is the customer wanting a total lifestyle change because 3 sessions per week + 10,000 steps per day sounds doable in principle but is a different matter if you are working and have family to see too.


This is why my customers prefer to complete 1 personal training session per week.


You are welcome to complete more than one session per week if this suits you.



What method of fitness are my customers doing?

If you are slogging away in the gym 3 times per week or doing workouts that include lots of burpees, starjumps and running around your local park and you are not seeing similar results, you could be forgiven for thinking something isn't right.


Customers are doing a martial arts based fitness session, this is how they are able to see results as seen in the photos with one personal training session per week.


When doing personal training customers spend the session doing a variety of kicking and punching techniques against the shields and pads, plus lots of martial arts based fitness training.


You can request other methods of fitness (ie a bootcamp type workout) but if you requested this you will need to be completing more sessions per week, maybe 3 as a minimum and massively increase your step count.


If you want results with one session per week you need the martial arts based fitness workout.



Background of instructor

I began training when I was 4 years old in the 1980s (a few years ago) and I am still training once or twice per week to this day.


In the 90s I did Judo, Karate, Shootfighting, Submission Grappling, Traditional Jujitsu, I trained from 1992 to 2003 (as an adult).


I ran circuit training classes from 2004 to 2013, then things morphed into personal training.


I had 15 years away from martial arts training and for the past 6 years I have been doing Brazilian Jujitsu.


Still being active in training means I am fully aware there is a huge difference to training in your late 40s compared to training as a fully fit 19 year old, which is why I don't have a one size fits all approach.


I fully understand that training a fully fit 25 year old is a different ball game to training someone in their 50s who may have barriers to training, ie, osteoarthritis, heart conditions etc..


Why do customers prefer martial arts?

As a general observation when doing personal training, customers seem to prefer punching and kicking shields to doing squats or burpees, starjumps or running around there local park getting covered in mud.


Some customers do request a bootcamp type workout initially, but they quickly see sense when they have a go at kicking the pads.  When they see bodyfat rapidly reducing (visible change to bodyshape) this convinces them even further.


This training is ideal for those who want to gain lean toned arms and legs, this training obliterates back fat, tummy fat, bingo wings and cellulite very quickly.


It is effective with one personal training session per week so better for those with busy lifestyles.



Is it a painful method of training?

This is not a painful workout, it is more a very sweaty way to train.  Customers who don't normally sweat when doing fitness find themselves dripping with sweat.


While the photos above look great, show rapid changes etc... the photo below shows how sweaty people get when training.


This customer below, didn't sweat from gym workouts but was pouring with sweat with her weekly 35 minute session.


Would you like to try personal training?

Give me a call and tell me what your goals are, workouts are put together based on your needs.


Train by yourself or train with a friend to reduce costs.


  • £30 per session.
  • £17 per session per person if training with a friend.
  • Online personal training = £20


Contact details

07400 572300




Online options

Train at home at any time to suit you, no equipment needed.

  • 1 workout £5
  • 3 workouts £10
  • 10 workouts £15

Please enquire about this option.